The Interconnected Cosmos


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This book contains an investigative review of various scientific press releases that have been made public in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. This review includes detailed coverage of what has occurred in the search for what has become known as 'Dark matter'. In the last few years the author has published formal technical papers in this area - the essence of these papers is summarized in this book in clear, understandable language that omits most of the mathematical rigor.

ISBN 979-8-9851181-0-0

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This book contains an investigative review of various scientific press releases that have been made public in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. This review includes detailed coverage of what has occurred in the search for what has become known as 'Dark matter'. In the last few years the author has published formal technical papers in this area - the essence of these papers is summarized in this book in clear, understandable language that omits most of the mathematical rigor.

ISBN 979-8-9851181-0-0

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This book contains an investigative review of various scientific press releases that have been made public in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. This review includes detailed coverage of what has occurred in the search for what has become known as 'Dark matter'. In the last few years the author has published formal technical papers in this area - the essence of these papers is summarized in this book in clear, understandable language that omits most of the mathematical rigor.

ISBN 979-8-9851181-0-0

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It is becoming more and more obvious that many major objects in the cosmos are interconnected by long, tenuous filaments of matter in the plasma state. These filaments are sometimes called 'force-free, field-aligned currents.' The entire network is called the Intergalactic Web. We live in an electrically active plasma universe - an interconnected cosmos. 

The author's description of his derived model of these plasma structures provides a thoughtful but straight-forward explanation of many here-to-fore unexplained 'anomalous' phenomena. The precise way stars rotate around the centers of spiral galaxies is an important example. It is this complex stellar rotation, inexplicable via Newtonian physics alone, that motivated astronomy's still on-going, eighty year quest for a mysterious force called Dark Matter. But the interconnecting network of plasma filaments naturally produces this motion - it is not mysterious to anyone who takes the time to understand how it is an electrically caused result. 

An intelligent, interested layman who reads this work may be shocked to realize the extent of the damage created by the disastrous decades long waste of money and scientific talent that has occurred because a majority in the scientific power structure still refuse to realize that there is "electricity out-there". These outmoded claims that electric charges cannot exist in outer-space have historically drawn a self-imposed curtain of ignorance over what ought to be a clear, straight, understandable path of scientific progress in our world and our cosmos.

This book is designed to help clear that pathway.

ISBN 979-8-9851181-0-0

The Electric Sky
Thunderbolts of the Gods
Metamorphic Star (Slightly blemished)
Making Sense
The Case of the Turqoise Sun