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Star F*cker: The Catastrophic Conjunction of Venus and Mars is a soft cover book with a risque title but good content.

This book by Ev Cochrane,  a member of the Kronia Group, is an indispensable compilation of evidence for the celebrated love affair between Venus as Queen of Heaven and Mars as the Warrior Hero.

Starf*cker is an exercise in mythological exegesis and, as such, builds upon and extends our previous findings. The first volume in this series of monographs investigating the fascinating and multifaceted mythology surrounding the various planets -- Martian Metamorphoses -- offered an overview of Mars' role in ancient myth and religion. There it was documented that the red planet was typically represented as a raging war-god and as the greatest of heroes -- as the quintessential masculine power. Archetypal examples of the Martian warrior-hero include the Greek Heracles, Sumerian Nergal, Vedic Indra, and Celtic Cuchulainn, amongst countless others.

The companion volume -- The Many Faces of Venus -- presented a comparative analysis of the sacred traditions surrounding Earth's so-called twin. In contrast to Mars, Venus was conceptualized as the prototypical female power. In fact, Venus was often represented as the red planet's paramour or consort. Familiar examples of the Venus-goddess include the Sumerian Inanna, Semitic Ishtar, and Greek Aphrodite but analogous figures will be found within virtually every culture.

The general thesis underlying all three monographs can be summarized as follows: If the testimony of the ancient skywatchers is to be believed, the Earth was a participant in a series of recent interstellar cataclysms of a virtually unimaginable nature -- cataclysms that were devastating in effect and traumatic in psychological impact. It can be shown, moreover, that such catastrophes had a formative influence on the primary institutions of early cultures and thus their impact continues to be felt to this very day.

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